When Was Bin Laden Trained By The Cia

Introduction: Who Was Osama Bin Laden?

Osama bin Laden was an Arab terrorist who was the founder of the al-Qaeda terrorist network. He was born in 1957 in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. He grew up in a wealthy family, educated in business administration, and was known to be an observant Muslim. Over the years, bin Laden rose to international prominence as a leader of al-Qaeda, committing horrific and deadly acts of terrorism throughout the Middle East and beyond.
Bin Laden was one of the most wanted terrorists in the world and had been the subject of a massive manhunt for years. In 2011, he was finally located and killed in a raid by US forces in Abbottabad, Pakistan. His death was a major blow to al-Qaeda and a major victory in the War on Terror.

When Was Bin Laden Trained By The CIA?

Bin Laden has long been thought to have been associated with the CIA throughout his life. Some believe that he had been trained and supported by the intelligence agency during the 1980s, when he was involved in the Soviet-Afghan War.
According to a 2017 report by The New York Times, bin Laden had been collaborating with the CIA since 1979. He was recruited to “fight the Soviets in Afghanistan”. The CIA reportedly provided bin Laden with significant funding and training in order to support anti-Soviet forces in the region. Bin Laden was also even granted direct access to US intelligence officers touring Afghanistan.
The report claimed that at least some of the money and weapons provided by the US were diverted by bin Laden and his associates for their own personal use. The CIA reportedly had full knowledge of the fact, and did not take any action against him due to his involvement in the Soviet-Afghan War.

Reactions To The Training

The CIA’s collaboration with bin Laden has been a source of controversy since it was first revealed. Many people have criticized the agency’s decision to work with a known terrorist, while others have argued that the decision was necessary in order to defeat the Soviet Union.
The US government has consistently held that it had no knowledge of bin Laden’s terrorist activity during the Soviet-Afghan War. However, there is evidence to suggest that at least some in the CIA had knowledge of his involvement in terrorist activity and did nothing to stop it.

The Aftermath

Following bin Laden’s death, many questions have been raised about the involvement of the US government in his rise to power. It is unclear exactly what role, if any, the CIA had in bin Laden’s terrorism and whether or not the agency ever had any intent of allowing him to continue his activities.
Regardless, it is clear that the US government trained and supported bin Laden during the 1980s and that the decision to do so was a deeply controversial one. The full extent of the CIA’s involvement with bin Laden may never be fully known, but it is clear that the agency’s decision to work with him has had dire consequences for the world.

The Debate Over US Government Involvement In Terrorism

The US government’s involvement in bin Laden’s activities has sparked a heated debate over the US government’s role in terrorism. Many have argued that the US government should not be involved in any form of terrorism, regardless of the stakes. Others have argued that the US government should be allowed to support terrorists if it is deemed necessary for national security.
Regardless of one’s opinion, it is clear that the US government’s decision to support and train bin Laden has had extremely harmful and far-reaching consequences for the world. The United States and the world must always remain vigilant in ensuring that the decision to support and train terrorists is never made lightly.

The Impact Of The CIA’s Involvement With Bin Laden Around The World

The US government’s involvement in bin Laden’s activities has had devastating consequences for countries around the world. Al-Qaeda and other terrorist groups have exploited the US government’s association with bin Laden to recruit new members and support their activities.
The US has been heavily criticized for its involvement in bin Laden’s activities and has faced legal action in some cases. The US government has also faced international pressure to take steps to ensure that it never supports or trains terrorists again.


There is still much to be learned about the US government’s involvement in bin Laden’s activities. It is clear, however, that the US government’s decision to support and train bin Laden had massive implications for countries around the world. The world must remain vigilant in ensuring that the US never makes the mistake of supporting terrorists again.

Categories CIA

Rosemary Harrold is an accomplished writer and researcher who is both passionate and knowledgeable about the world of secret services. She gained an MSc in International Relations in 2017 and has since built on her expertise with numerous publications on intelligence agencies, their practices, and recent developments. Rosemary has been writing about IBM, CIA and FBI activities since then, as well as providing in-depth analysis on intelligence-related topics.

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