In HTML citations, the World Factbook can be cited as a website. Begin by noting the full name of the document in the text: “CIA World Factbook.” Then, the official website address must be provided in parentheses, ending with a period. Next, the date of the World Factbook page being cited should be included inside square brackets. For example: (, [7 Sep 2017]).
The most important part when citing the World Factbook is to make sure the complete website address is included in the citation. When the homepage is used, just the address and date will suffice. However, if a specific page is being cited, the full link of that page must be included. It is also important to remember to update the date when the resource was last accessed from the World Factbook. This will help readers learn specific information in the most updated form.
For those who need a source to reference quickly and for free, it is hard to beat the CIA World Factbook. It covers virtually every country in the world and is updated regularly. Knowing how to properly cite this invaluable resource can be a great asset to anyone who needs to know information about the developing world in an authoritative form.
Citing the CIA World Factbook in APA Style
In the American Psychological Association (APA) style, the CIA World Factbook must be cited as a digital file. This citation should note the full name of the document, followed by the website address and publishing information for the CIA; and a “Retrieved from” statement must be included. The publishing information should include the name of the Central Intelligence Agency and the year of publication for the “Retrieved from” statement. APA style does not require the specific website address for the World Factbook. For example: Central Intelligence Agency. (n.d.). CIA World Factbook. Retrieved from
When citing an accurate date, this should be provided in parentheses after the title of the document and the year should come before the website address. In this case, the publishing information should include the name of the Central Intelligence Agency and the year should come after the name and before the website address. For example: Central Intelligence Agency. (2000). CIA World Factbook. Retrieved from
Citing the CIA World Factbook in MLA Style
For Modern Language Association (MLA) style, the CIA World Factbook is cited as an online document. It must include the full name of the document, the website address, and publishing information for the CIA. An “accessed” statement must also be included after the website address. The publishing information should include the name of the Central Intelligence Agency and the year of publication for the “accessed” statement. For example: Central Intelligence Agency. CIA World Factbook. Central Intelligence Agency, n.d. Web. 7 Sep 2017.
When citing an accurate date, this should be provided in parentheses after the title of the document and the year should come before the website address. In this case, the publishing information should include the name of the Central Intelligence Agency and the year should come after the name and before the website address. For example: Central Intelligence Agency. CIA World Factbook. Central Intelligence Agency, 2008. Web. 7 Sep 2017.
Tips for citing the CIA World Factbook
When citing the CIA World Factbook, an author should follow the specific rules of the referencing style they are using. APA and MLA styles differ slightly when citing websites and should be followed to ensure proper citations. Additionally, when citing any source, it is important to include the complete website address if a specific page is being used. This will direct readers to the original source of the document. Lastly, authors should always be sure to note the exact date the World Factbook was last accessed, as it is updated regularly. This will help readers find the most up-to-date information from the World Factbook.
Using the CIA World Factbook
The CIA World Factbook is a great tool for obtaining reliable information about virtually any country around the world. It provides detailed information on demographics, government, economy, communications, transportation, and military. Authors should use it when accurate and comprehensive data on any country is required. On the World Factbook website, it is also possible to compare any two countries directly to see how their parameters differ. This is a great advantage when researching international topics.
Other Resources for Citing the CIA World Factbook
For authors seeking more information on how to properly cite the World Factbook, there are several resources available. The Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL) provides excellent instructions on how to cite websites, electronic sources and digital interfiles in MLA and APA styles. Additionally, several online tools are available to help authors format their citations. Citation Machine and EasyBib both offer citation formatting generators for websites and digital files.
Understanding the World Factbook
Once an author knows how to properly cite a source, understanding what the source contains is a key part of research. The World Factbook provides detailed information on over 270 countries and includes a wealth of useful data. This can include population size, capital city, giographic coordinates, climate information, government type, economy type and economic indicators, communication networks, and demographics. Additionally, the World Factbook offers special topics such as transnational issues, environmental topics, and health-related topics. For anyone researching international topics, the CIA World Factbook is the primary source of up-to-date and comprehensive data.
Using the CIA World Factbook for Research
For researchers, journalists, and academics, the CIA World Factbook can be a useful resource for finding accurate and up-to-date information about any country in the world. When properly cited, the World Factbook can be an authoritative source of information in any research project or paper. Additionally, the World Factbook can be used to gain insight into a range of important transnational topics such as environmental issues, conflict and instability, political dynamics and human rights. By using the World Factbook, data can be obtained on any country quickly and for free.
What is the World Factbook Not Used For
The CIA World Factbook is not a substitute for independent research and analysis. It should not be used as the sole source of information on any country or region. The data contained in the World Factbook, while comprehensive and up-to-date, is not necessarily complete or accurate. Additionally, the data contained in the World Factbook reflects the geopolitical context of the resources and information used to create it. For in-depth analysis and reporting on a particular country or region, authors should use additional information sources.
The CIA World Factbook is a comprehensive online resource providing up-to-date information on just about every country in the world. It covers a range of essential topics, like demographics, government, economy, communications, transportation, and military, in a single source. Knowing how to properly cite the CIA World Factbook is essential for any researcher, journalist, or academic. With the right approach, citing the CIA World Factbook can be straightforward, and it is an invaluable resource for obtaining reliable information about the world.